The God of Israel is the God who always says, “Go! I send you!” Even as exiles, the children of Israel knew themselves to be messengers, a people called to be conduits for justi...
read moreDo you know what it is that you want? Are you seeking in all the wrong places for all the wrong things? Our own efforts might meet the basest of our needs but only the Lord can ...
read moreIt is always tempting to try to dictate the terms of our own discipleship. Of course, if we actually did this, what we would have wouldn’t be discipleship. No, true discipleship...
read moreThe medium is the the message. This well known axiom reminds us of the importance of how we communicate, not just what. So, it is no accident that Jesus, who has a message of go...
read moreGod in his grace comes to the poor and the needy with salvation. But, are we prepared to view ourselves in these terms? Are we prepared to embrace The Suffering Servant of the L...
read moreChristianity is not simply a collection of truths to be believed. Nor is it all about how a person can get to heaven after they die. Instead, Christianity is a whole new way of ...
read moreLet’s notice how Boaz uses his power and influence in a God honouring way. It’s all for the good of others. The takeaway for us in this idea is that we all have a kingdom—a spac...
read moreThe temptation is always to solidify. To protect. To establish. But it’s not ours, it never was. We must let go of what we have to be the people of God and to allow that l...
read moreIf at the heart of prayer is connection with God, rather than wish fulfilment, then what stands in the way of that connection? We need to examine how we are praying; religiously...
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