With the arrival of the Wise Men Jesus is revealed as king. And, as Jesus is revealed through the resurrection, we receive the revelation that we too will be changed to be like ...
read moreWhat are we waiting for? We are waiting for God’s plan of salvation to be completed through Jesus Christ. At Christmas, we are declaring that the king has come and is coming aga...
read moreThere are things that are a part of our lives while we wait for the completion of our salvation. Some of those seem really dynamic and important right now. In fact, some of thos...
read moreAs we wait, Jesus doesn’t call us to a cloistered life. We are a people on mission, so we are to have a posture of seeking the good of all people, even over our own rights. In t...
read moreAt a time of year when we can purchase and possess anything we want, which promises at least temporary happiness, aren’t we foolish to be a people who wait? Yes, we are. We are ...
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