Communion is such an “in church” experience that it can be hard to imagine how it could be an exilic practice for us as Christians. Yet Christians are meant to gather around tab...
read more“Why not suffer wrong? Why not be defrauded?” These are words that cut right across our hearts and instantly our minds cry out “never!” Losing is for the weak. What could posses...
read moreChristians are called to love God, and to love our neighbours as ourselves. But how does the love of Christ that God has shed abroad in our hearts differ from the love that the ...
read moreWe live out our lives in the body, and redemption is not complete until we receive our new spiritual body in the resurrection. In the meantime, we are called to discipline our b...
read moreThe gift of tongues is both a public and private gift. Publicly it is used in worship and is accompanied by an interpretation for the building up of the body. Privately it is us...
read moreIt is a daunting task serving the least of these. We make a little progress, yet it is only a dent (if that). We become jaded or hard hearted towards the world and the people in...
read moreFor many, the George Floyd video finally and irrefutably revealed the ugly face of anti-black racism. And it’s not just a US issue. What is a biblically-appropriate respon...
read moreGod has raised Jesus from the dead. This is the bedrock statement of our faith and its a promise. Because Jesus is raised from the dead we know that God is renewing his whole cr...
read moreWith the arrival of the Wise Men Jesus is revealed as king. And, as Jesus is revealed through the resurrection, we receive the revelation that we too will be changed to be like ...
read moreWhat are we waiting for? We are waiting for God’s plan of salvation to be completed through Jesus Christ. At Christmas, we are declaring that the king has come and is coming aga...
read moreThere are things that are a part of our lives while we wait for the completion of our salvation. Some of those seem really dynamic and important right now. In fact, some of thos...
read moreAs we wait, Jesus doesn’t call us to a cloistered life. We are a people on mission, so we are to have a posture of seeking the good of all people, even over our own rights. In t...
read moreAt a time of year when we can purchase and possess anything we want, which promises at least temporary happiness, aren’t we foolish to be a people who wait? Yes, we are. We are ...
read moreWe believe that God has gifted his body of believers, men and women equally, for the work of discipling and mission. Every believer has been equipped by God’s Spirit to build up...
read moreDivine healing isn’t magic. We do not wield Jesus’s name like an incantation, guaranteeing a prescribed result. Healing is a part of our relationship, rooted in the grand story ...
read moreJesus has been raised from the dead so everything is changed. The old rules no longer apply—a whole new world has begun.
read moreIf we’ve put divine healing in it’s proper context, then it is clear that divine healing isn’t not just an internal blessing for God’s people. Rather, healing is a gift given to...
read moreWe can get caught up in methods and strategies of how to make people believe us and become like us. And, if we’re honest, we have used some methods that have been just plain bad...
read moreWhen we use the language of evangelism, we know that we are called to share the good news (gospel). But, what is the good news? Many have been taught that the good news is that ...
read moreWhen we give each other gifts it is usually to express love to another person. That is certainly an element of receiving gifts from the Spirit, but these gifts are not aimed at ...
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