Pastor Anatoliy Byelyy from Harvest City Church (Executive Pastor) will reflect on the peace that Jesus, our Messiah, brings while reflecting on the current war in his home coun...
read moreDiscipleship to Jesus is costly, it’s extreme and it’s not to be entered into lightly. Are we ready to reorganize our lives around the kingdom? Will we go the distance and face ...
read moreCan we safely reorganize our lives around the kingdom of God that is present in Jesus Christ? Don’t we need to be wise and “help ourselves?” There is a tension that has to be me...
read more“Fool” is a biblical term and category. It is the title given to the person who behaves as if there were no God or like God cannot see or like God will not judge. That person is...
read moreThe basis for all prayer is the object being prayed to. For many “God” can be a foreign “thing” that we need to manipulate with fervency to “get what we want.” But, Jesus change...
read moreThe parable of the good Samaritan is a story about movement: a man was going down, robbers appear, a priest is also going down, then a Levite, then a Samaritan. We see movement ...
read moreIt is always tempting to try to dictate the terms of our own discipleship. Of course, if we actually did this, what we would have wouldn’t be discipleship. No, true discipleship...
read moreToo often we make a separation between physical and spiritual hunger and fulfillment. Jesus doesn’t indulge our “either/or” dichotomy. Rather, he desires to fill all people with...
read moreWhat does a faith (trusting, committed, belief that leads to action) that saves look like? Do we turn to a Mother Theresa or a Martin Luther King Jr.? Jesus and Luke turn to a p...
read moreWho are the people that are automatically rejected in our thinking? In Jesus’s day these were the tax-collectors. Betrayers of their own people and collaborating with the foreig...
read moreThe medium is the the message. This well known axiom reminds us of the importance of how we communicate, not just what. So, it is no accident that Jesus, who has a message of go...
read moreGod in his grace comes to the poor and the needy with salvation. But, are we prepared to view ourselves in these terms? Are we prepared to embrace The Suffering Servant of the L...
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